🩳 fab's shorts (tinylog)
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author: @fab@redterminal.org
avatar: 💻
license: CC BY-SA 4.0
2024-11-07 18:00 CET
Yay! My Astrobotany plant "Catherine" is 1000 days old today!
2024-11-01 04:42 CET
After spending the past 1.5 months intensively working with Emacs, I am now switching back full-time to NeoVim. Emacs is simply too slow and cumbersome for me, even though it has many great features like OrgMode, Elpher, mu4e, etc. But my long-term experience with Vim is just simpler for me. For example, I haven't figured out how to use Emacs in an AwesomeWM Scratchpad. Additionally, I can use NeoVim with NeoMutt and tut (TUI Mastodon Client) as an editor. In my workflow, a TUI/CLI editor simply has more advantages for me.
2024-10-08 23:14 CEST
I changed all the content of my page from the CC BY 4.0 to the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
CC BY-SA 4.0
2024-10-05 06:41 CEST
I needed to re-orientate all the pictures on my capsule taken with my effing smartphone cam. I had to rotate them by +90° and set the Exif Tag "Orientation" to "10" (?). They showed up as normal on my proxy web page but were turned by -90° in all the gemini browsers which also show the images by themselves. I always looked at them in the browser and don't use Lagrange so I didn't notice. I just noticed by starting to use #Elpher from #Emacs.
My smartphone cam is pure sh*t! But at least I know what to do now.
2024-09-28 19:24 CEST
I'm going down the Emacs rabbit hole again. And... It's a *mighty* tool. So far I've configured Org-Mode, Org-Roam, Magit, persp-mode (perspective.el fork), Ellama (LLM AI client) and some others, but these are the ones I've got myself into recently.
Ellama is a cool toy, if you don't mind to use AI (locally). You can chat with it, translate text, improve wording and grammar and some other things. It's fun.
Right now I'm learning to use Org-Roam, and check if it can replace my VimWiki.
2024-09-19 18:32 CEST
My mom did her first purchase on Amazon on her own! I just sat beside her and helped when she got stuck. She did some purchases on HSE24 before, but she nearly figured out what to do herself. But she still needs to get accustomed even to the mouse. She doesn't hold it the right way and moves the mouse when she clicks, so she just selects text and such, for us, easy things.
But I'm happy, that she uses the computer I just bought for her and she's willing to learn!
2024-09-04 18:59 CEST
I just objected to the electronic patient record (elektronische Patientenakte (ePA)). It's nearly a crime to make this opt-out and it's difficult to object. Older or not internet savvy people will have a lot of difficulties to object or won't be able to at all. And in my opinion such sensitive data should not be digitally collected and has only drawbacks for the patient. I strongly advise to object!
They are already planning a digital "anonymous" (pseudonymous?) data pool of all patient data nationwide for research purposes here in Germany. Of course it is "absolutely secure" and there will be "no way to abuse" the data, as they're marketing it. I'm no data expert but I've the strong opinion, that the data can be easily reassembled to a real person. F*** them! #privacy
2024-08-30 23:44 CEST
Someone is trying to bruteforce my mail account for <fab@redterminal.org>. The guesses are always from different IPv4 addresses, so he's not banned by fail2ban. He tries every 5 - 10 minutes and then a pause of one hour. Good luck! :)
2024-08-26 12:45 CEST
Yesterday I ripped the complete TV show of "Columbo" (DVD) and put it on my NAS server, so I can watch all the episodes without changing disks. Of course this is just a backup and I bought the DVD set online. Another TV show for my old TV shows collection :)
2024-08-22 21:01 CEST
I just read an article on Robert Birming's blog:
Overcoming Self-Doubt
And he's perfectly right. I'm a mediocre writer myself. But I try to get better by more writing, although sometimes I take breaks from my computer activities which I mostly write about. Also my english language isn't that great (I'm german).
Another thing is, you don't have to be a professional writer to write a blog/gemlog/phlog. I think the more people start to write in the smolnet/indieweb the better. It's more the meaning than the words.
2024-08-13 18:19 CEST
I just made an account on indieweb.org and added my page to the sites which support webmentions through webmention.io, which is really easy.
My indieweb.org user page
Indieweb.org examples of webmention.io pages
At the moment I'm not sure how to expand my site further and what to add next. But surely there will be some ideas for the future.
2024-06-12 05:32 CEST
Updated my FreeBSD Server for the web, gopher, gemini and finger to FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE. Upgrade went smooth as always.
2024-03-20 02:19 CET
Not doing much of anything. Taking a break from my computer activities. Just reading a blog/phlog/gemlog here and there and enjoying my retirement. Let's see how long this period takes this time. 1 Week? 2 Weeks? A month? Of course it doesn't matter. It's the slow web of course for a reason!
2024-03-05 13:56 CET
After 33 years of excessive smoking I today celebrate the 4th month without even one cigarette! 🎉 🎉 🎉
2024-03-03 10:34 CET
My site now supports webmentions. I won't publish them anywhere at least for now but it's another step towards IndyWeb.
2024-02-17 08:50 CET
I posted a new gopher phlog post in my brand new gopher hole:
2024-02-06 04:46 CET
My new SmolNet TUI client of choice: "telescope" by Omar Polo.
It supports Gemini, Finger and Gopher and is very lean/fast.
2024-01-31 13:08 CET
I added a phlog to my gopherhole. There is only one post for now but I have to start somewhere. Here are the links:
Link to the gophermap of the phlog
Link to the RSS feed for the posts
2024-01-28 19:50 CET
I also set up a gopherhole on my server. There's not much to see on it for now and I'm still not sure what to put on it. But as a smolnet enthusiast it's a good supplement to my online home.
If you have any comments or suggestions drop me a line.
2024-01-26 08:47 CET
Finger me! 👈
finger fab@redterminal.org
2024-01-14 15:39 CET
I modified the gemlog.sh script to generate an atom feed with web links to the gemlog entries besides the one with gemini links. My gemlog can now be read with a normal rss reader without gemini support.
Atom web feed
2023-08-04 15:34 CEST
Figuring out Matrix Chat. To make my life harder, I'm of course using the TUI client "gomuks". The whole encryption thing seems a little bit complicated and the version packaged with FreeBSD (0.3.0_6) is a little bit buggy.
I already found my way to the #geminiprotocol:matrix.org room. A lot of people hanging out there. On the same time it seems a low frequency room - I like that!
2023-07-29 20:26 CEST
For the people who still thought that "Web Environment Integrity" is just a proposal and still not officially approved, WEI has already found its way into Chromium:
2023-06-23 02:26 CEST
It seems Red Hat (IBM) goes after Alma Linux and Rocky Linux with a new decision to restrict access to the RHEL sources - which makes it difficult for Alma and Rocky to keep up with their binary compatible distros. Like they killed CentOS which was the most used OS on internet servers. Alma and Rocky told users not to "panic" because they are certain to resolve the issues, but we'll see what impact this has on RHEL clones this time.
2023-06-22 13:56 CEST
Haven't made an update to my gemini site in a while. It's hard to think about some topic to write about. I recently have digged a little into Nix and NixOS but I think this is a huge topic to cover if I want to write about it. I also finally found my way to bbs.geminispace.org. I am sceptical if I'll use bubble in the long turn. On the other hand it's a lot of fun :)
2023-03-19 12:14 CET
After decades of using Linux I finally check out Emacs for the first time - what a rabbit hole. But it's fun to learn some new concepts and OrgMode is really amazing. There is sooo much stuff. At the moment I'm learning to build up my configs from scratch with vanilla emacs (but I installed evil mode) from this tutorial:
Emacs From Scratch (Youtube playlist)
I always thought Emacs is kinda overkill (some people saying it's an OS on top of Linux) without knowing anything! I'll try to develop a complete working environment before I decide if I stay in Emacs or go back to neovim. I'm really fascinated.
2023-02-18 17:08 CET
It's a cold, rainy and dark saturday. A good day to stay in my warm and cosy bed with some X-Files episodes - and leave the heating off to save some money.
2023-02-10 19:56 CET
I'm working on a terminal client to query ChatGPT in python. It's in pre-alpha and I just uploaded it. I'm not sure if python is the right language, but I wanted to get a Mock-up quickly. I plan to add editable configurations, a session system and predefined prompts later. It's nothing spectacular but you can already tinker with it, if you like.
pychatgpt git repo on Codeberg.org
2023-02-04 22:09 CET
NeoVim is the greatest editor I've ever used. Today I switched from Coc to LSP as IDE tool and added the telescope plugin, which is excellent for fuzzy finding in files. A fantastic piece of software. I like it!
2023-01-24 15:56 CET
YAY! After the Verdi strike is over, finally my new gaming PC rig arrived. Just need to get rid of Windows 11 and install Arch Linux and steam and then have a lot of fun! 😃
2023-01-23 02:12 CET
Look! I now have a tinylog! I just implemented it out of curiosity. Not sure, if I post regularly - but now that I've discovered bacardi55's gtl I have an easy way to follow other people's tinylogs.