Re: Why do we even blog?

I really liked Alex' blog post "Why do we even blog?". I think it's very well thought through.

However, I try to convince everybody I can to get some words out there even if they are not that good (like my own) or even if english is not your native language (mine is german). And I think they/I shouldn't think too much about implicitly being judged. I don't want to care too much. Well, I *do* care what people write to me as a response but I mainly appreciate all feedback.

I try not to weigh ever single word I write, because if I did I would never get anything out. Of course it *can* be a "struggle" to get something meaningful out, but I mostly struggle about the topics I want to write about.

I'm not a professional writer or expert of anything, but why shouldn't I write about something that excites or interests me?

To blog is to wrestle with that. I imagine an audience that is strangely interested in all the things I am interested in. I write for them, for me, for my future self that looks back, the heart full of regret. I struggle for virtue and I put it into words for you and me, the imagined reader and myself. As proof. “I struggled!” I struggle. I keep on struggling to discover what is right and to do what is right.

I believe I don't have nearly as much audience than you have, and I understand that you struggle with your outcome for your "imagined" readers and yourself. In fact, I edit my posts too and I let them be for some time and then I edit again. But I don't *want* to struggle. I try not to mince my words too much.

And I make mistakes - often. And I'm happy to correct them if I can get them.

And as you said, the world moves on no matter what. What was written in a blog will mostly be forgotten in a few moments after reading. I don't mind. I write anyway. So all the labour and effort for a short period of (mostly) entertainment.

Perhaps I would have grown older differently without reading blogs and blogging. And this is why I cannot stop blogging. To blog in that half-shadow where perhaps our thoughts are read and perhaps they are not, where every text lights up and shines and drops and sinks onto that great pile where thousands of text are rotting, that is to participate in the galaxy brain that is our world. Some of us can vote and some of us can talk. Some of us can fight and some of us will weep. I try to blog.

That resonates with me - I have started to blog just about 3 years ago - and I bet not many people have read my posts. But they're there for other people to read, if they wish. And sometimes I get feedback - and it makes me happy even if it's seldom. And as other people fight their fights and do whatever they do as a hobby, I read about it and I blog, just like you - maybe not just as thoughtful.

I mainly talk about technical things I've achieved and things I have at least a little knowledge about. And even if I care about my imaginary audience I avoid talking about my life or myself. But maybe that's the things this audience is interested in? I don't know. But *if* I would talk about my life and myself I would care a lot more about this 'judgement' I think. Although I'm writing under a pseudonym I beware myself from talking about my personal life (It's mostly boring and I like it that way :)).

So please go on blogging and have fun while doing it!

All in all - Have fun!



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