LoRa transmission - Follow up

This is a little follow up to my second ROOPHLOCH'24 post:

ROOPHLOCH 2024 Post 2 - LoRa transmission (Gopher)

I uploaded a repository to Codeberg.org with the scripts I used to do my LoRa transmission, which may be of interest to some people. I've found out most things by trial and error and the scripts are a little messy. But if you want to peek on the perl sources look here:

USB-LoRa Transmission Scripts on Codeberg.org (WWW)

As said before I've just begun to mess around with LoRa and LoRaWAN so don't expect too much. The scripts are written to work in my special environment so you can't use them without some editing.

Here's a link to USB-LoRa adapters I use:

Waveshare USB to LoRa Data Transfer Module (Link goes to Amazon)

I ordered two new antennas for outdoors which I hope expand the range significantly if placed on a more open space on my balcony.

LoRa Antenna 868MHz 5.8dBi (Link goes to Amazon)

With the antennas included with the USB-LoRa adapter I managed to transfer my post over ~247m and the receiving Raspberry Pi 3 is placed in a roofed area with walls in 3 directions. So it's really not ideal. With the new ordered antennas I can place one in a more open space of the balcony. That should give me some more reach. Unfortunately the delivery is 3 weeks so they won't arrive before ROOPHLOCH is over :(.

But anyway, I'll continue to work on this and look how far I can get.

All in all - Have fun!



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